The Lansing Lugnuts beat the Cedar Rapids Kernels 3-1 on July 24th at Veterans Memorial Stadium. It was a beautiful day out with temperatures in the 60s, however the Kernels did not have a good day with 3 errors out in the field.

Before the game I spoke with Clark Beeker, pitcher for the Cedar Rapids Kernels. According to Clark you “You have to have a lot of patience” to be a MiLB player.

Clark grew up in North Carolina and went to Davidson College in North Carolina. After college Clark got drafted in the 33rd round. Right now he plays for the Cedar Rapids Kernels, an A level team in the Minnesota Twins farm system. I asked him what advice he would give to other pitchers. “Work fast, change speeds, throw strikes.” Pitcher Clark Beeker said.

Clark enjoys his time out on the field with his teammates, however his life isn’t that simple. Clark works very hard at baseball in hopes of making it to the majors one day. He doesn’t make very much money either. The signing bonus for most MiLB players is 20,000 to 30,000 dollars. As well his monthly stipend is 1100-1200 dollars. Many minor league players including Clark work other jobs in the offseason as well as preparing for their next season.

As for the pressure that comes along with pitching Clark said that pitching can be “nerve wracking” if scouts are watching, but says if “I’m pitching in front of 3,000, only 20 people are solely invested in how I personally do…[that] makes things a little easier.”

Clark is always grinding to become the best player possible, however if major league baseball doesn’t work out he would like to find a job that mixes business and sports. To end, life is not easy at all for Clark, but with his work ethic and dedication he is giving himself the best chance to move up in the future.